The agency for water « Eau Seine Normandie »: sponsor of the Expedition
The agency « Eau Seine Normandie » is a public organisation part of the Ministry for the Environment. Its policy is to preserve water resources and maintain a good condition of river waters, aquatic environments, groundwater as well as coastal waters. The agency finances projects such as those aiming to protect water resources or fight against water pollution.
People are now aware of global warming and are opening their eyes to the reality of a 7th continent of plastic in the oceans. The waste deposited on land ends up in streams, rivers and in the ocean. The 7th Continent Expedition will locate this mass of plastic in the North Atlantic and will analyse the waste, which ends up in the ocean.
The 7th Continent Expedition will locate this mass of plastic in the North Atlantic and will analyse the waste, which ends up in the ocean.
The 7th Continent Expedition along with Patrick Deixonne will locate and analyse this mass of plastic in the North Atlantic following up on the existing analysis and reports. They left on May 5th 2014 for four valuable weeks to bring back evidence and footage of this developing phenomenon in our oceans. The 7th Continent Expedition is also involved on land, along the river Seine with local events, waste count and collection as well as having a live link-up with the navigator.
The « Eau Seine-Normandie » Agency’s fight against waste deposit:
The fight against waste deposit in the natural environments is part of the agency’s policy to protect water resources. The Seine is indeed a small river, subject to great pressures, due to the presence of big agglomerations, a highly developed industry and an omnipresent agriculture. The agency has been particularly active on the coastline for a number of years by giving financial support to organizations, which conduct operations of waste collection along the coastline. The agency is also experimenting with a project enabling floating waste to be collected by a ship. However, coastline and ocean pollution also concerns all the cities, which are at the root of the problem.
The Agency also finances floating dams in the Parisian agglomeration as well as catch basins, which retain waste in the drain canals. The reduction in quantity of macro and micro waste in the sea and along the coastline will actually be a particular priority in the policy on water for the years to come.
Several days of events and awareness campaigns will take place along the Seine. Further information on press releases is available here for free download. Find out more about our partners on our sponsor page.