
Mercator Océan: partner of the 7th Continent Expedition

At the beginning of April, Patrick Deixonne (Head of the Expedition) met the scientific teams from Mercator Océan, who were joining the expedition at the museum of natural history in Toulouse. Mercator Océan, who has been partner of this adventure for a number of years, provides the crew with resources (manpower, tools, information) to ensure the mission’s success on a scientific and educational level. During the preparation phase of the mission, the company provided information on the drift of waste and of pollution in the North Atlantic thanks to a route simulation of this debris. This helped the 7th Continent ship to plan the course, which is to leave from Fort de France fort for the gyre of plastic in the Sargasso Sea (link: more information on this mission). The main contact person Ariane Bouilly (CNES) will monitor the expedition in real-time by means of currents charts and sea-surface heights.

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Monday, May 5th, 2014 – First news of the boat

The 7th Continent expedition is heading for the North West of the Atlantic Ocean! We left the port of "Le marin" in the afternoon, around 3 pm, warmly encouraged by our families and by the visitors of the port, before the eye of the camera of Martinique Premiere. The morning of preparations went at top speed, with excitement good mood. The journey towards Sargasso Sea is going to be long course! The catamaran will sail on a northerly/north-easterly heading for 1000 miles, to wit : 1800 km during one week of journey with the catamaran which will speed at an average of 7 knots (a knot = one nautic mille / hour or 1.852 km / hour).

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